Biodegradable collagen burntreating sponge – LLC Luga PLANT “Belkozin”, manufactured according to modern technology.

Burntreating sponges are used to protect wound and burn surfaces, have antiseptic effect, promote the development of granulations.

A burntreating sponge is a cream-colored or light-cream colored plate of a porous structure with a specific smell of acetic acid, a relief surface.

Burntreating sponges are prepared from a collagen solution. The composition of a sponge includes: Glutaric dialdehyde, boric acid, quinazole.


Burntreating sponge is designed for:

– closing and final treatment of burn wounds of II, III A degrees removed of deadly tissues,

– temporary closure of burn wounds of III B degree after removal of the aechar,

– closure of donor sites after autodermoplasty.

The burntreating sponge stimulates the regenerative processes in the wound, accelerates the marginal and islet epithelization, promotes the growth of granulation tissue. Clinical trials were conducted on the basis of Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, Department of Emergency Surgery of St. Petersburg in Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.


A burntreating sponge is used externally, applying it to the wound surface. After surgical treatment, the burn (II-IIIA-IIIB degree) or the wound surface is treated twice with a solution of antiseptics (preferably 1% iodopyron solution or 0.05% chlorhexidine solution). The wound is applied with a burntreating sponge, its edges should cover the edges of the wound by 0.5-1 cm, then fix 1-2 layers of gauze.

The wound is monitored daily, with a low discharge – 1 time, with a profuse discharge – 2 times a day.

In case of burns of the second degree, it is enough to carry out the dressing once, because application of the plate prevents the development of an infectious complication of the burn. Healing of the burn wound occurs on the 8-10th day.

In case of IIIA degree burns in the phase of purulent-demarcating inflammation and rejection of the superficial aechar, the use of burntreating plates helps to speed up the process on average by 5-7 days.

In case of III B degree burns, the first dressing is carried out after 6-8 hours. Soaked and not adherent to the wound areas of the plate must be removed only at the site of wetting and after applying of antiseptics to the wound they are replaced with new ones. The adherent areas of the burntreating sponge are left on the wound until complete epithelialization. In this case, a dressing change is not required. The use of a sponge helps to reduce the formation of scars. At the donor sites, the burntreating sponge should be left until self-rejection with complete epithelialization of the wound. As known, the disadvantage of the closed treatment of burn wounds is its laboriousness, large expenditure of dressing material and tenderness of dressings. The use of a burntreating sponge helps to avoid this and reduces the suffering of the patient.


The burntreating sponge is contraindicated in cases of excessive exudation in the wound, the presence of infected and necrotic tissue sites in it.


The burntreating sponge is available in a form of plates (50±5) × (50±5) mm and (90±10) × (90±10) mm, thickness (6±2) mm, in individual packaging. Sterile.

SHELF LIFE: 3 years.